Attorney loses battle to keep ‘offensive’ license plate on Lamborghini

license plate

An attorney who had been battling to keep an X-rated license plate on his Lamborghini has been handed a brutish blow in court.

Peter Lavac, a Lamborghini-driving lawyer from Sydney, has pledged never to chicken out to “fat cat bullies” after his legal effort on Monday to keep his divisive ‘LGOPNR’ license plate went belly-up. Authorities confiscated his plates – which abbreviated stands for “leg opener” – after pulling the lawyer over in November to carry out a random breath test while he was operating his yellow Lamborghini. Since then, he has been combating to have his plates returned and desired a declaration from the court stating their components couldn’t be classed offensive.

license plate
via Business Telegraph

After the hiccup, Lavac said he possessed a few ideas already for his next personalized registration. They include ‘FCUK’ and ‘XLEGO’ (which is short for “extra-large ego”). He spoke outside the courthouse: “The main reason I took these people to court was to send a message. And that was my way of saying, as politely as I know how, ‘Hey guys, this is the 21st century. This is Australia. This is a free country. This is a democracy. This is not the Soviet Union. So get a life. Get a sense of humor and get over it.”

Lavac continued: “This court decision doesn’t phase me in the slightest. I have never backed down from a challenge or a fight in my entire life. It’s not in my DNA. I paddled a surf ski across the South China Sea. I disabled a gunman at the Sydney Hilton – why on earth would I ever back down? The reason why this court decision doesn’t faze me is because we have already won – we won in the pub test – we won in the court of public opinion. And, hell will freeze over before I apologize! If they’re offended by it all I can say is get a life.”


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