September 11 is a day to reflect on the state of our nation, remember those we lost during the terrorist attacks, and sell cellphones. AT&T sparked a bit of a backlash (and the hashtag AT&T Tragedies) when they sent out the above photo this morning.
The tweet has been deleted and replaced with an apology …
We apologize to anyone who felt our post was in poor taste. The image was solely meant to pay respect to those affected by the 9/11 tragedy.
— AT&T (@ATT) September 11, 2013
… but that didn’t stop a group of internet comedians from creating a mocking meme at AT&T’s expense.
“Arbeit Macht Frei HTCOne” when you sign up for, or renew an AT&T two year cellular contract. #ATTTragedies — Mike F (@Whiskey_Rover) September 11, 2013
“We blow away our competitors with low prices on our phones!” #ATTTragedies — Ethan Anderton (@Ethan_Anderton) September 11, 2013
#NeverForget the #Titanic #ATTtragedies 😀
— Aleksandr Cyplakov (@acyplakov) September 11, 2013
AT&T has apologized for their insensitive tweet but it doesn’t look like Twitter is going to let up anytime soon. The tacky ad has been passed around the social networking site and the hashtag #AT&TTragedies is still full of comedic gold.
“Don’t get MASSACRED by an excessively high cell phone bill” -AT&T right after the Boston Massacre (1775) #ATTtragedies
— Joey Regan (@Joeryegun) September 11, 2013
“Don’t be PLAGUED by inferior cellphone service!” – if @ATT had been around during the Black Death. #ATTtragedies
— Gary Whitta (@garywhitta) September 11, 2013
“Don’t let your cell service go under,” – ATT post tsumani tragedy. #ATTtragedies
— Stephanie Schopp (@AgentTinsley) September 11, 2013
“Don’t get CRUCIFIED by hidden data charges!” – @ATT during death of Christ #ATTtragedies
— Snevis Anse (@TwentyOddYears) September 11, 2013