April Fools’ Day Pins: Popular Parenting Pinterest Pin Picks

Blue Milk

Welcome to Week 2 of Popular Parenting Pinterest Pin Picks! Each week I am presenting my top Pinterest pins from and for parenting blogs for the week. With April Fools’ Day right around the corner, many April Fools and joke pins have popped up in my Pinterest feed. Here are my top favorite picks of April Fools’ Day-themed pins.

Favorite Food Prank Pin

I have seen so many cute pins for April Fools’ Day food pranks on Pinterest. My favorite is the April Fool’s Day Chocolate Chip Cookies from It’s Just Me Again, which are actually mashed potatoes with black beans. Kids and adults alike will get a kick out of these cute impostor cookies.

Favorite Kid’s Prank Pin

Kids get a kick out of fun and harmless pranks on April Fools’ Day. The most popular kid-friendly prank that keeps getting repinned in my Pinterest feed is the colored milk prank from Kids Activities Blog. Did Mom just serve me milk from a blue cow?!

Blue Milk

Favorite Pesky Prank Pin

Some April Fools’ Day jokes are more pesky than anything. My top pick for the pesky prank pin that is currently making the rounds on my Pinterest feed is the clear nail polish soap prank from Lady Create-a-Lot.

Nail Polish Soap Prank

Favorite Messy Prank Pin

Although I would be mad beyond belief if someone pulled a prank on me that resulted in a huge mess, some people get a real chuckle out of unclean destruction. My favorite messy prank pin that keeps showing up in my Pinterest feed is The Ketchup Prank from How to Pranks. Beware of ketchup bottles on April 1!

The Ketchup Prank

Favorite Grossest April Fools’ Pin

Many April Fools’ Day jokes depend on the gross factor. My favorite gross April Fools’ pin is the kitty litter brownie dessert from Lady Create-a-Lot. Would you eat a brownie that looked like the contents of your cat’s litter box?

Kitty Litter Dessert

Do you have a favorite April Fools’ Day pin? Share in the comments below.

Read more from Heather Johnson at The Parenting Patch.

Jean-Pierre Fumey
Jean-Pierre Fumey is a multi-language communication expert and freelance journalist. He writes for socialnewsdaily.com and has over 8 years in media and PR. Jean-Pierre crafts engaging articles, handles communication projects, and visits conferences for the latest trends. His vast experience enriches socialnewsdaily.com with insightful and captivating content.

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