Anderson Cooper planned on making fun of annoying co-workers during his “Ridiculist” segment on AC360 last night but he ended up making fun of himself.
Cooper started the segment by saying: This time we’re talking about co-worker crime. You know what I’m talking about. Leaving the break room a mess. Talking while you’re trying to work. That sort of thing. One of the most eggregious of these crimes can be seen in this video which I haven’t seen until now.”
Anderson was then a little surprised when he noticed that the video was from his own office.
Cooper says: “Really, this is what the ‘Ridiculist’ is about tonight? I should’ve read it ahead of time.”
Apparently Anderson Cooper has a foul smelling candle in his office that his co-workers do not appreciate. His staff decided to get revenge for the foul-smelling candle when they made it the subject of his “Ridiculist” segment.
Cooper tries to defend himself, saying that he only bought the candle because someone complained that his unwashed jeans were smelly. The talk show host also said that it’s a fresh basil candle that has a very pleasant smell. Well, his co-workers disagreed. They compared the smell to “woodstock vomit,” “a garden gnome’s underwear drawer,” and Mario Batali’s crocks.
Check out the video below.