There were a lot of names thrown around when they were trying to figure out how to cast the Fifty Shades Of Grey movie. Ryan Gosling, Matt Bomer, and Charles Hunnam were all rumored for the role (Hunnam was even briefly attached) that eventually went to Jamie Dornan. But what if another actor got the part. Someone like Steve Buscemi.
Buschemi is a fantastic actor but he doesn’t have the typical smoldering good looks of a leading man. And since 50 Shades Of Grey is all about sexual desire, he would have been an interesting choice for Christian Grey.
The Steve Buscemi recut is just a joke but you have to wonder if the producers debated recasting the movie halfway through filming. Rumors have been circulating that the chemistry between Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson was non-existent. The duo were even called back to reshoot films over the summer.
Despite problems during shooting, producers are still pretty optimistic about the new movie. Projections are currently pegged at around $45 million for when the movie opens this Valentine’s Day and they are already talking about sequels.
There’s plenty of buzz about the new movie but it’s unclear how the erotic novels will transfer to the screen. According to director Sam Taylor-Johnson, the movie may not be as pornographic as some people expect.
“I know that’s going to be disappointing to some people. It’s the build up and titillation of touch and sensuality. So I don’t think it goes into the realm of porn.”