2020 Twitter Moments that Make us All Cringe

via Sputnik News

Let’s be honest, 2020 is a weird year. This is best exemplified by the unusual 2020 Twitter moments that not only makes us cringe but also makes us think that everything took a surprising turn. This year tested not only our physical health but also our sanity. The best take away from 2020 is the fact that we all learned lessons we never thought in a million years is possible. Nevertheless, a lot of people just want the year to be over.

Now that there are only a couple of days left for 2020, is there anything else that could go haywire before the year ends? Here are the funniest and most cringe-worthy Twitter moments of 2020:

World War III rumors and memes

COVID is a big hoax?

People DENOUNCING the Coronavirus

COVID-19 Parties

Elon Musk’s unreadable baby’s name

Kanye West running for US President

Trump’s income taxes that are lower than yours

Flight to NOWHERE sold out in 10 minutes

Trump coronavirus announcement gets 1.8M hearts

Trump and the “rigged” Presidential elections

The Weeknd canceling the Grammy’s

Also read: The “Twitter Killer” in Japan Claims he “Assists” Suicidal Women to their Deaths



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