Want to see bikini pics? Get baby news? Or hear about your favorite celebrities new pet? Well, Twitter is the place for you.
From the completely asinine to the rumor generating, Twitter is the place for celebrities to break news and connect with their fans.
The Social News Daily will be adding lists of athletes, comedians, politicians, etc… in the coming weeks so follow SND on Twitter to say up to date with the latest lists.
Here are 100 celebrities to follow on Twitter. From actors to musicians to reality stars: This list gives you some of the most popular names on the social networking site.
1.) Lady Gaga – Singer – Why you should follow them: She’s a mother monster.
What a great show tonight, bedtimes. sleepygirl
— Lady Gaga (@ladygaga) January 16, 2013
2.) Justin Bieber – Singer – Why you should follow them: He talks to his fans.
what do u want to see me do on #SNL?
— Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) January 15, 2013
3.) Katy Perry – Singer – Why you should follow them: She rules the school.
Meow out to all the katycats for their tireless PCA voting. You now hold the title for favorite music fan following! We rule the school. — Katy Perry (@katyperry) January 10, 2013
4. Rihanna – Singer – Why you should follow them: For frequent domestic abuse updates.
All I got are these photographs #phuckyoshirt instagr.am/p/Uj8bvShM-G/ — Rihanna (@rihanna) January 16, 2013
5.) Britney Spears – Singer – Why you should follow them: She makes fancy perfume videos.
Very cool take on my fantasy twist spot made by @jasonriv37. All Eyez on Fantasy Twist youtu.be/VMKz_VE-xCI
— Britney Spears (@britneyspears) January 10, 2013
6.) Taylor Swift – Singer – Why you should follow them: Because everyone loves Taylor Swift.
Somewhere in LA.. instagr.am/p/UhV5LsDvFH/
— Taylor Swift (@taylorswift13) January 15, 2013
7.) Shakira – Singer – Why you should follow them: She’s pregnant and will soon be posting baby photos.
We’d like to celebrate the imminent birth of our first child with all of you. #babyshower uni.cf/baby Shak twitter.com/shakira/status… — Shakira (@shakira) January 16, 2013
8.) Kim Kardashian – Why you should follow them:
Excited for my Twitterchat with u guys @celebuzz on Friday at 5pm PST! Follow them and Tweet your questions with hashtag #KKTMCelebuzz! Xo — Kim Kardashian (@KimKardashian) January 17, 2013
9.) Ellen Degeneres – Talk Show Host – Why you should follow them: She’s the only one who can call Charlie Sheen, Pappy.
.@charliesheen is gonna be a grandfather! Congratulations, Charlie — or as I’m calling you now, Pappy.
— Ellen DeGeneres (@TheEllenShow) January 16, 2013
10.) Oprah – Talk Show Host: Why you should follow them: She’s Oprah. Maybe she’ll give you something.
Just wrapped with @lancearmstrongMore than 2 1/2 hours . He came READY!
— Oprah Winfrey (@Oprah) January 14, 2013
Continue Reading for our full list of the Top 100 Celebrities on Twitter:
[1-10], [11-20], [21-30], [31-40], [41-50], [51-60], [61-70], [71-80], [81-90], [91-100]