what is carbon dioxide
what is carbon dioxide

what is carbon dioxide?


Carbon dioxide (chemical signal CO2) is a natural chemical compound composed of two oxygen atoms and one carbon atom, and each oxygen atom is linked to a carbon atom by double bonding. The atmosphere exists where the density of the trace gas is about 5.7%.


what is the formula for carbon dioxide
what is the formula for carbon dioxide?

In the carbon cycle, plants, aquatic plants, and cyanobacteria produce carbon dioxide and carbohydrates from water through the photosynthesis of solar energy, as well as oxygen as waste material. Either for plant respiration. Carbon dioxide Ed is produced by the combustion of coal or hydrocarbons. Also, it is produced in the process of fermentation from sugar in beer and wine and by the breathing of all living organisms. It leaves humans and other organisms to breathe. Thin carbonate results in rock erosion. It is also seawater The bottom, of the lake, and may be mixed with oil and gas.

carbon dioxide formula


The environmental impacts of carbon dioxide are significant. It is an important greenhouse gas that absorbs the surface’s radiant heat. Carbon dioxin in the atmosphere as a result of combustion The density of ids is increasing rapidly and with the increase of global warming, the climate of the living world is changing. It is the main source of acidification of the sea as it dissolves in the form of carbonic acid in water which is a weak acid and is not fully absorbed in water.


carbon dioxide formula
carbon dioxide formula

Carbon dioxide is one of the components of common gas and the atmosphere. By resolution, the atmosphere calculates an average carbon of about 387 ppm in volume. It is a colorless, odorless, non-supporting, combustible gas. Between normal temperature and pressure. At the same time, it also contains a greenhouse gas, which can strongly absorb energy landing.


what is carbon dioxide used for

1. Fertilizer

In a certain range, the higher the concentration of carbon, the higher will be the plant synthesis of the plant, so it is the best gas fertilizer. The development of gas fertilizers is very promising, but it is difficult for scientists to determine how much it is absorbed by each crop. Besides carbon, can any other gas be used as a gas fertilizer?


2. Poly carbon dioxide

This is a new type of synthetic material, which is being read. The carbon resin is synthesized by its reaction of it, which is activated to a higher degree under the action of the biomimetic coordinate PBM catalyst. Aliphatic polycarbonate was created by its reaction of it. It resin of different chemical structures can be obtained by adding other reactants to the polymerization. Carbon copolymer has a flexible molecular chain, and it is easy to adjust its chemical composition by changing its chemical structure. Carbon is easy to explode under the action of heat, catalysts, or microorganisms but can be controlled by some measures.


what is carbon dioxide used for
what is carbon dioxide used for
There is a low permeability of oxygen and other gases. Products that can be made for the following purposes:


  1. Polyurethane material prepared by aliphatic polycarbonate and polyisocyanate has better waterproof resistance than ordinary polyester polyurethane.


  1. Ternary copolymerization of male anhydride as the third monomer is carried out. The product is a type of unsaturated resin containing carbonate and ester groups. It can be cross-linked curing and can be fiber such as solid composites. This is a new material that is similar to ordinary unsaturated polyester.

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  1. Alipiti polycarbonate can be mixed with different polymers to get different properties. It can be used as acid resin, PVC plastic, and its flexibility or as a processing agent.


  1. The copolymer of carbon, a terpolymer of it, propylene oxide, and propionic anhydride can be completely disrupted by sequoranism, with no residue, which is a promising biodiversity element.


what is carbon dioxide

where does carbon dioxide come from

Carbon dioxide is one of the components of common gas and the atmosphere. By resolution, the atmosphere calculates an average carbon of about 387 ppm in volume. It is a colorless, odorless, non-supporting, combustible gas. Between normal temperature and pressure. At the same time, it also contains a greenhouse gas, which can strongly absorb energy landing.


Carbon dioxide is a rare elemental gas, which occupies only 1.5% of the Earth’s atmosphere. Since the amount of carbon in the atmosphere has increased rapidly from 25 ppm to more than 5 ppm. On November 25, the amount of carbon found in the atmosphere was 3 ppm. The average temperature in the world has increased by 6.5 ° C in the last 3 years, of which two-thirds have increased in the last three decades. Seawater temperatures have also increased at different depths, for example, the average temperature of a surface water meter is 5.5 ° C and the average water temperature at a depth of 5 m is increased to 1.5 ° C.


where does carbon dioxide come from
where does carbon dioxide come from

carbon dioxide

Carbon dioxide is a gas essential for the survival of life on earth. Commercially greenhouse directors use it as fertilizer to enhance the health and growth rate of their plants. The plant and our primitive man emerged when the amount of carbon in the air was 3 ppm which we could not achieve even by combining fossil fuels, which is much higher than the current. In our breath, we have 5% carbon, which stands at 3 ppm and is 3 times the current atmospheric concentration. Plants have higher levels of carbon dioxide and the plant salivation rate increases. Again, plants are more tolerant of excess carbon because they do not have to accept extra air for carbon.


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