Twitter Experiment Replaces Retweet With Share


Twitter recently added photo tagging to Android and iOS, and the ability to include up to four photos in a single tweet, now it’s experimenting with replacing the ‘retweet’ button with ‘share’.

Over the past month people have been reporting a series of changes that Twitter has been making to its platform to see how users respond and interact with the new developments.

Just yesterday we reported about Twitter testing out new mobile profile designs. Today some users have noticed that the retweet button on their iOS app has switched to a ‘share’ button.

The new share button still retweets posts, so the functionality remains the same. So far there have been two different variations of the ‘share’ button spotted, one that says ‘Share with followers’ and another that just says ‘Share’.

Could Twitter be aiming for more of a Facebook-esque experience?

Earlier this month it came out that Twitter was contemplating removing the @ mentions from replies. However, these are some of the essential things that helps Twitter stand out from the likes of Facebook and other social networks.

Twitter is no stranger to pressure from its users to change things they don’t like, such as the blocking policy it put into place in late 2013.

Its users are already starting to point out how the experimental changes resemble Facebook, and they don’t seem too fond of it.

[Photo Credit: PCwalls]



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