This Artist Drew Himself on a New Drug Every Day and Gave Himself Brain Damage

This Artist Drew Himself on a New Drug Every Day and Gave Himself Brain Damage

Back in 1995, artist Bryan Lewis Saunders began creating a self-portrait a day. The Tennesee-based painter was searching for “experiences that might profoundly affect my perception of self,” and for him, that included lots and lots of drugs.

“Every day I took a different drug or intoxicant and drew myself under the influence,” Saunders said on his website. He dubbed the project “Under the Influence,” and his experience became the subject of documentary “The Art of Darkness.

As well as leaving him lethargic, the experiment left Saunders with mild damage, which could fortunately be repaired. However, it did mean he suffered from “psychomotor retardation and confusion.”

Nevertheless, the project is still going, but “over greater lapses of time and presently only take drugs that are prescribed to me by a doctor.”

He has since go on to do other projects in a similar vein, including a drawing project where he was blind for a month and another where he explored anxiety and stress.

The artist told Insider: “I have done other month long drawing and life experiments too; no hearing, no talking and so on.”

His current endeavour is “exploring arousal and energy.”

Check out some of the pieces from Under the Influence below!

Crystal Meth

This Artist Drew Himself on a New Drug Every Day and Gave Himself Brain Damage


This Artist Drew Himself on a New Drug Every Day and Gave Himself Brain Damage

Lighter Fluid

This Artist Drew Himself on a New Drug Every Day and Gave Himself Brain Damage


This Artist Drew Himself on a New Drug Every Day and Gave Himself Brain Damage


This Artist Drew Himself on a New Drug Every Day and Gave Himself Brain Damage

Valium IV

This Artist Drew Himself on a New Drug Every Day and Gave Himself Brain Damage


This Artist Drew Himself on a New Drug Every Day and Gave Himself Brain Damage


This Artist Drew Himself on a New Drug Every Day and Gave Himself Brain Damage


This Artist Drew Himself on a New Drug Every Day and Gave Himself Brain Damage


This Artist Drew Himself on a New Drug Every Day and Gave Himself Brain Damage


This Artist Drew Himself on a New Drug Every Day and Gave Himself Brain Damage

Hydrocodone (7.5mg), Oxycodone (7.5mg), Xanax (3mg)

This Artist Drew Himself on a New Drug Every Day and Gave Himself Brain Damage

Bath Salts

This Artist Drew Himself on a New Drug Every Day and Gave Himself Brain Damage

Butane Honey Oil

This Artist Drew Himself on a New Drug Every Day and Gave Himself Brain Damage


This Artist Drew Himself on a New Drug Every Day and Gave Himself Brain Damage

Morphine IV

This Artist Drew Himself on a New Drug Every Day and Gave Himself Brain Damage


This Artist Drew Himself on a New Drug Every Day and Gave Himself Brain Damage


This Artist Drew Himself on a New Drug Every Day and Gave Himself Brain Damage

Nicotine Gum

This Artist Drew Himself on a New Drug Every Day and Gave Himself Brain Damage


This Artist Drew Himself on a New Drug Every Day and Gave Himself Brain Damage


This Artist Drew Himself on a New Drug Every Day and Gave Himself Brain Damage

Carbon Monoxide Inhalation

This Artist Drew Himself on a New Drug Every Day and Gave Himself Brain Damage

Cough Syrup

This Artist Drew Himself on a New Drug Every Day and Gave Himself Brain Damage


This Artist Drew Himself on a New Drug Every Day and Gave Himself Brain Damage

Abilify, Xanax, Ativan

Abilify, Xanax, Ativan

Nitrous Oxide

This Artist Drew Himself on a New Drug Every Day and Gave Himself Brain Damage


This Artist Drew Himself on a New Drug Every Day and Gave Himself Brain Damage


This Artist Drew Himself on a New Drug Every Day and Gave Himself Brain Damage


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Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo is a seasoned professional with a strong background in growth strategies and editorial responsibilities. Kokou has been instrumental in driving companies' expansion and fortifying their market presence. His academic credentials underscore his expertise; having studied Communication at the Università degli Studi di Siena (Italy), he later honed his skills in growth hacking at the Growth Tribe Academy (Amsterdam).


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