The Hunger Games: President Puts Turkeys’ Fate In Twitter’s Hands

The Gobble White House

Well, it’s tradition. President Obama is tasked with pardoning a turkey for Thanksgiving, and this time he needs your help. Don’t worry, neither bird will actually die, as the president promises he will pardon both. But there’s still another matter to deal with — which turkey deserves to be the National Thanksgiving Turkey? Enter The Hunger Games: Thanksgiving Edition.

The White House announced a social media campaign on Tuesday that will help Obama decide which turkey should reign supreme, Caramel or Popcorn. Users are encouraged to, “learn about each bird, listen to their gobble and then make your decision.” Profile information includes the turkeys’ gender, weight, height, and even their favorite food (corn for Popcorn and soybean meal for Caramel).

Twitter users responded to the campaign with understandable confusion, with one user even responding, “WHY IS AMERICA SO WEIRD.” Others commented that a Hunger Games-esque turkey competition may not be the best use of the government’s time:

While we’re a little weirded out about the campaign, we have to say … #TeamPopcorn.



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