Stuck In Quarantine? Four Ways to Stay Connected While Socially Distancing

stuck in quarantine

For all the social butterflies and extraverts out there, very few things can be as frustrating as having to hunker down while waiting to determine if you’ve been somehow exposed to COVID. Not only are you worried about your health – as well as the wellbeing of the person who possibly infected you – but now you’re facing several days of isolation while in quarantine.

While you have every right to be discouraged, it’s important to remember the bigger picture here. Preventing the spread of the novel coronavirus is a responsibility that we all must take seriously, even if we’ve been vaccinated or consider ourselves low-risk. Nonetheless, staying sequestered at home can be admittedly quite boring, and there’s only so many hobbies you can try to master before the restlessness starts to get to you.

If you’ve been voluntarily socially distancing yourself to protect others from possible COVID-19 exposure, you’re probably more than eager to find other ways to stay entertained while stuck in isolation. With that in mind, here are four social activities you don’t have to give up while in quarantine, allowing you to stay connected – even when all by yourself at home!

Curate Your Social Media

For most of us, our social media feeds are where we post our day-to-day activities. It’s generally filled with fun and quirky snaps of our meals out with friends, adventures we’ve recently taken, and even our outfits of the day (OOTD). However, when you’re stuck in quarantine, it can be hard to find ways to update your Instagram account for your followers.

This doesn’t mean that you have to leave your friends and fans empty-handed, though! Instead, now is the perfect time to get creative when updating your social media feed. Why not go “shopping” in your closet and mix and match pieces to post online? Or perhaps you can go down memory lane with previous experiences you’ve enjoyed and share them again. That way, you can stave off the boredom while also staying in touch with those you care about.

Schedule a Virtual Date

When you’re in the process of quarantining, it can quickly put the brakes on all social activities. That fun trip to the mall you had planned with friends? Rescheduled. That hot date with the really cute guy you met on Tinder? It’s going to have to wait. But this doesn’t mean that your social life has to end just because you’re socially distancing, though.

Instead, you should use this opportunity to connect – but from afar. Still want to meet up with your friends? Why not schedule a Zoom party with them? Is Mr. Right still out there, patiently waiting for you? Order takeout from your favorite restaurant (just be sure to pay and tip on the app!), light some candles, and catch up remotely. Sure, you’ll still be waiting for the all-clear from your doc, but it doesn’t mean your social life has to fizzle out, too.

Work On Your Fitness

Trying to stay in shape when locked away in your bedroom or tiny apartment can definitely be tricky, but it doesn’t mean you have to kiss your fitness goodbye while quarantining. Now, this doesn’t mean that you have the go-ahead to visit your favorite yoga studio or get your sweat on at your local gym. While you’re waiting for your delivery COVID-19 test to arrive to give you the all-clear to hit the running trails once more, you can still stay in shape while in lockdown.

Simply set up a video call with your friends, then hit the play button on YouTube. Whether you feel like doing Pilates, kickboxing, or even some good old-fashioned Zumba, you’ll be sure to find the right class to do from the comfort of your own home. And with your friends watching and cheering you on (and getting their own sweat on!), you’ll love the workout you get.

Enjoy Remote Happy Hour

If you’ve already updated your social media feed, you’ve enjoyed a date with your best gal pals or that special guy, and you’ve already done with your workout, why not use this time to let your hair down and relax? Partaking in a glass of wine or two, or maybe a round of brews with your friends, is a great way to celebrate yet another day passed in quarantine. (One down, just four to go!)

Again, you don’t have to be there in person to make the most out of your happy hour. Instead, just grab your favorite bottle of wine – and no, it doesn’t matter if you were saving it for a special occasion. Doing your part to stop the spread of COVID-19 is as good of a cause for celebration as any, right? Slowly savor your drinks while catching up with your friends, but be sure to not overdo it. In small doses, it’s good for you… but too much can lead to a nasty hangover.

It’s understandable to be annoyed that you’re missing out on spending time with friends and loved ones while you quarantine, but social distancing doesn’t have to be an anti-social experience. By planning ahead, and including these four fun activities into your daily schedule, you’ll be done with your quarantine (and back among those you care about!) before you know it.


Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo is a seasoned professional with a strong background in growth strategies and editorial responsibilities. Kokou has been instrumental in driving companies' expansion and fortifying their market presence. His academic credentials underscore his expertise; having studied Communication at the Università degli Studi di Siena (Italy), he later honed his skills in growth hacking at the Growth Tribe Academy (Amsterdam).


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