Sometimes you have an amazing idea for an article. But whenever you start writing, you hit a bump. You have no idea what to do to craft your introduction.
Statistically, readers get hooked by the introduction and then proceed with the article. A poor introduction will guarantee that your readers do not proceed with the article. No worries though. If you are interested to find out how to write catchy introductions, here are a few tips.
Avoid Repeating The Title.
This is the first rule to remember. The reader already read the title. That is what brought them to the article. So with your introduction, take advantage to expound on the title. Set the stage for the article.
Keep Your First Sentence Short.
That’s it. Keep it short. People understand short sentences better. They feel connected to the story. Long sentences feel like a ramble. Readers should not feel that they have to read all your long sentences to decipher what you are trying to say. Generally, you should keep the rest of your work light and airy.
Keep The Introduction Brief.
Another simple way to make introductions easier is to keep them brief. There is no rule on how many words you can use. However, concerning your article, define an appropriate length of an introduction.
Too long and you will struggle to fill it up. You will be tempted to include content that should be in the body. Too short and you won’t be able to attract the reader. Alternatively, you can access and get quick help on how best you can write your essay introduction from an expert. They will most likely feature good introductions and you can learn from that.
Use The Word ‘You’ At Least Once.
Do you know what doing that does? It makes an introduction feel crafted for the individual reader. It will seem that your article reaches out to the reader.
It convinces readers that you resonate with them and that you care about solving their problems. They will continue to read your article because they know they might find what they are looking for.
Refer To A Concern Or Problem.
Another simple way to ace getting readers through your introductions is to refer to a problem the reader might be having. Chances are your readers are looking for help with something. It could be to find knowledge about something, educative or not.
Or they are looking to solve something. Either way, there is a gap. Point out that you are going to help with whatever they are looking for. Readers will most definitely want to read your article now.
Have 1- 2 Sentences To Articulate What The Article Is About.
Additionally, give the reader an idea of what you are going to deal with. What will the reader get? What will the reader learn? These are good questions you can answer. Put a clue, a hint to attract the reader’s curiosity.
Show Why the Article Is Important.
Another tip is to point the readers to the importance of your article. After all, you are writing your article because it serves a purpose. But sometimes, readers cannot see what you are writing about. So do not be subtle.
Do not trust that they will read onward and find out what importance your article serves. Tell your readers clearly what the article will give them. You might just convince some readers who would have otherwise left without reading the article.
Use Some Facts In Your Introduction.
Finally, use a fact or two in your introduction to show the importance of your article. And it should closely relate to what you are writing about. Also, as a blogger or writer of any kind, you should appear knowledgeable about the topic. This fosters trust in readers and maybe they will consider reading further.
For instance, let’s say you are writing about ‘essay writing’. You can start by saying something specific about writing that anyone can spot as a close fact.
Summing Up.
Do you see how less complicated writing introductions can be? Well, we hope that after this article, you feel more confident about starting your articles. Writing introductions will take you some time to fully get it, but it is all worth it if you can catch the attention of a few more readers.