Ivan Lopez, the alleged Ft. Hood shooter that killed three people and injured another 16 had a Facebook account under the name Ivan Slipknot. This has been the source of several photos that have appeared on various news sites. Weeks before his fatal act, he posted disturbing, chilling and telling posts on Facebook that may give some insight into why he did what he did.
According to Fox News Latino, the Spanish language posts from Lopez state that he was “full of hatred” and that the “devil” had taken him.
The Facebook post is no longer on Lopez’s Facebook page, but Fox News Latino took a screenshot of it, allowing me to post it verbatim.
“se me acaba de ir a paz espiritual, lleno de odio creo ahora si me lleva el diablo. Me robaron anoche y estoy seguro fueron 2 flaccos Luz Verde y dedo abajo. Asi de facil.”
Which, according to Fox News Latino, translates to
“I have just lost my spiritual peace, full of hatred. I think this time the devil will take me. I was robbed last night and I’m sure it was 2 [guys]. Green Light and finger ready. Just that easy.”
News of this post came out shortly after reports that Ivan Lopez had gotten into a verbal argument with one or multiple soldiers before opening fire.
Slipknot is a heavy metal band that Lopez apparently favored. In addition to cheerful looking photos of himself and his family, Lopez occasionally posted pictures of the band.
[Photo Credit: Facebook]