Her Racy Listing Pics Attract Crowds Of Potential Clients, Realtor Says


A Houston realtor is presently under fire for the… let’s say, for the ‘innovative’ way she’s elected to entice clients to browse one of her properties.

via Fanatik; Realtor Kristin Gyldenege added a little ‘spice’ her listing photographs after her home sat on the market for 40+ days

It’s not untypical for a real estate listing to garner nationwide attention – celebrity dream homes and deluxe mansions have always mesmerized us. However, realtor Kristin Gyldenege, has taken it to a whole ‘nother level.

The tale commenced when a three-bedroom, two-bathroom Houston suburban home had sat (still) on the market for 40 days, provoking its owners to lower their asking price. Gyldenege, who already deems herself the “Potty Mouth” realtor, took an unexpected approach to make her home more appealing to possible buyers.

So . . . she set up a racy photoshoot inside the house, featuring two fitness models completing household chores nearly in the buff!

via Facebook

Gyldenege claims that within just 24 hours, the house’s online listing received 20 times more visits than it had in a month or more with regular photos. She too states that following the flood of page visits, the home had six viewings in just one day!

via Shared

“I wanted to show a young couple enjoying the home they just bought. I knew I wanted to appeal to twenty and thirty-somethings, first time home buyers,” Gyldenege expressed to reporters.

“I shot the pictures Sunday morning and posted them Sunday afternoon, but Sunday night it had gone viral and by Monday morning the pictures had been removed due to [the Houston Association of Realtors] receiving over 100 complaints.


via 24warez


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