Pinterest Tests ‘Personalized For You’ Homepage

Pinterest Tests New Homepage

Pinterest is testing a new “Personalized for You” homepage that is a version of the site based entirely on the user’s interests. While a recipe enthusiast would see food-related Pins, a fashion-focused Pinner would see categories about boots, jackets, jewelry, etc. From there, the user can click and explore their interests.

The new feature isn’t available to all users yet, but that could mean that it is either the first step in a larger roll out or a personalization experiment. Pinterest’s only comments on the new homepage came from Tech Crunch, saying, “We’re always working on ways to help people discover the best Pins for them based on their interests. We’re currently testing features to help people get these Pins quickly, but have no further details to share at this time.”

While Pinterest won’t comment on “Personalized for You,” Pinners had a lot to say about it, and most were positive reviews. Several expressed shock, surprise, and excitement about the addition, as well as at how well the site seems to know what they are interested in.

The new feature is available in the site’s top navigation where you can find your “Home Feed,” “Popular” feed, and others. The page itself is a collection of words and topic based on a user’s pinning activity. The content is different than the former home page, as is the look and feel. Rather than uniformly sized Pins, some are larger than others, possibly meaning the user pins more things around that subject than others.

Given the positive feedback, it is possible the new feature could roll out to more Pinterest users soon.

[Image: Twitter]



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