Personal Injury Claim: What Qualifies as a Serious Personal Injury?

Woman Wrapping Man's Leg with Bandage

Accidents happen all the time and always when you least expect them. But nine times out of ten, they’re far less innocent than they seem. The reality is that accidents happen because of negligence on the part of one or more parties. 

There’s good news though — you can file a lawsuit against negligent parties and claim compensation for your injuries. This is known as a personal injury lawsuit. But what differentiates a minor claim from a more serious or traumatic personal injury claim? 

This blog highlights what you need to know. 

How To Tell You Have a Viable Personal Injury Claim

Not all injuries are created equal when it comes to filing a personal injury lawsuit. They can vary on a huge scale, depending on the type of accident. 

Even if some people suffer relatively minor injuries, they can still win their personal injury case with the right evidence. On the other hand, some people might suffer very traumatic injuries that cripple them both physically and financially. 

Have a look here for more information on how a personal injury lawyer is vital in winning the compensation you deserve. 

If you suffer an injury from any of these common accidents, caused by the negligence of another party, you could have a viable claim: 

  • A car or truck accident 
  • A cycling accident 
  • Slip and fall accidents 
  • Injury caused by defective products/services 
  • Workplace accidents 
  • Industrial illness/disease
  • Medical malpractice 
  • Wrongful death 

These are just a few of the types of accidents that tend to win personal injury lawsuits. Of course, there is a larger scope of accidents than this, but your chances of receiving compensation hinge on proving the fault of another party.

Personal Injury: What Does It Look Like? 

As mentioned, personal injury looks different for everyone. There is no cookie-cutter measure of what an injury should look like in order to receive rightful compensation. 

Personal injuries can take the form of physical injury, illness, or even psychological trauma. What determines the severity of each case is the type and extent of each injury. The more severe, the higher the compensation you could receive. 

A simple example is if a person suffers both physical and psychological trauma. They have grounds to pursue legal action and receive far greater compensation. 

So, what are the most common types of personal injury accidents? 

Car Crashes 

No matter how safe and secure most modern-day vehicles are today, these accidents still happen due to human error and negligence. 

Car accidents range from minor fender benders to catastrophic crashes that take lives. Both of these types of accidents constitute grounds for compensation based on the level of negligence and trauma. 

Work Accidents and Illness

While no one shows up to work expecting to suffer an injury or illness, workplace accidents are also very common. 

All workplaces present a level of risk for employees — whether it’s a slip and fall accident, repetitive strain or exposure to harmful chemicals. Chronic stress even qualifies as a form of personal injury. 

It’s the employer’s responsibility to reduce the risk of all of the above scenarios. But the reality is that they still happen, especially when employers neglect safety measures. 

Medical Malpractice 

If there’s anyone we can trust it’s our doctors, right? They study for years, and go through the rigorous training, surely doctors are the professionals we can count on? 

Well, not always. Medical malpractice is actually far more common than most people realize, especially when it comes to surgical procedures. 

Again, these types of accidents come down to human error and negligence. Unfortunately, some of these cases can also result in wrongful death scenarios. 

In these types of serious/extreme cases, you have reason to file a lawsuit in criminal court.  

Public Transportation 

Catching public transport always comes with some form of risk, too. Many personal injury accidents take place on busses, trains, trams, and even in taxis. 

A train could derail off its tracks, your bus could collide with another vehicle, your taxi driver could crash the car. All of which could result in minor or severe injury. 

Industrial Illness/Disease 

While this type of personal injury also relates to the workplace, industrial illness falls into its own specific category. This is because many of these illnesses don’t necessarily qualify as an accident. But they are the result of negligence on the part of an employer. 

Industrial disease can result from prolonged exposure to dangerous chemicals, gases, or environments. Some common conditions include asbestosis, lung cancer, dermatitis, deafness, and mesothelioma

What Qualifies as a Serious Personal Injury? 

The above mentioned accidents are the most common causes of personal injury claims. Often, the result is not all that catastrophic, but it still warrants compensation. 

So, what does a serious personal injury look like then? 

  • If you suffer severe injury, you are not able to return to work for an extended period of time, if ever 
  • A severe personal injury results in a huge change of life — often a decreased quality of life 
  • An injured person might not be able to perform everyday tasks they once could 
  • A person might have to change jobs/careers or take on a lower-paying position they can manage, due to their injuries 
  • A severe injury might result in reduced mental capacity and capabilities  
  • Serious personal injuries tend to result in both physical and psychological trauma

Some of the most traumatic personal injuries include brain injury, spinal cord injury, loss of sight or hearing, limb loss, paralysis, and organ damage. Severe burn injuries that result in disfigurement are also commonplace. 

Serious personal injury cases generally result in large amounts of compensation to cover all medical expenses, as well as future treatment. You might also receive damages for your pain and suffering/ loss of quality of life.

Bear in mind that you need the right legal team on your side in order fight your case and receive the compensation you deserve!

 General Knowledge Resources at Your Fingertips 

Whether you’re looking to learn more about how a personal injury claim works, marketing basics, or the ins and outs of social media, you’re in the right place. 

Explore the rest of this site and broaden your general knowledge on a range of topics! 


Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo is a seasoned professional with a strong background in growth strategies and editorial responsibilities. Kokou has been instrumental in driving companies' expansion and fortifying their market presence. His academic credentials underscore his expertise; having studied Communication at the Università degli Studi di Siena (Italy), he later honed his skills in growth hacking at the Growth Tribe Academy (Amsterdam).


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