Oreo Tweets Mock Edible Controller, Xbox Responds In Kind

Oreo Tweets Controller

Oreo joined the console wars in its own special way on Thursday, just hours before the Xbox One made its debut. The cookie brand tweeted out its own version of a PlayStation 4 controller, complete with cookies for joysticks and grips, as well as a drop of milk for the PlayStation button. Included with the picture were the words, “Can we play?”

Several hours later, Xbox responded to Oreo’s request with its own Oreo-Xbox controller being dunked in milk (but not really). The company included the caption, “.@Oreo, game on. #XboxOne.”

While PlayStation retweeted Oreo’s post, the company has yet to respond to the new controller wars. Perhaps it will sit out this time, and let Oreo and Xbox fight it out.

[Image via Twitter]



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