Online dating is becoming increasingly competitive. As a result, many singles are going as far as putting their online dating profiles into the hands of paid professionals.
Making a good first impression in the virtual world of dating can cost – big – as online singles will eagerly dole out hundreds of dollars in hopes of finding love.
Meeting someone online used to carry a pathetic stigma, but now the majority of singles prefer to utilize online dating sites in lieu of awkward setups or random meets. Unfortunately, with the growing popularity of this dating venue – competition is fierce.
So what do you do to get noticed above everyone else?
What matters more than anything when it comes to your online dating profile? One word: Photos, reports eHarmony. Photos can drastically increase your chances of getting more communication and dates. Online dating profiles with photos are nine times more likely to provoke a response from other members.
According to eHarmony stats from 2013, people who uploaded four or more photos received the most inquiries from their matches.
Courting has evolved beyond the bar scene and well-intentioned friends playing matchmaker. Now those looking for love are preening their online dating profiles – under the advice of professional photographers and or downloading a decent photo-editing app – trying to portray themselves in the best light possible.
But is this considered a false or misleading representation? Some experts say no. Instead handing over your online dating profile to the professionals can demonstrate how invested you really are in the process.
Most dating sites already require tiers of membership dues – so why not maximize on the investment, right? Especially since the stakes have gotten higher with the availability of services like Tinder, a matchmaking app that facilitates communication between nearby users. It can be used for dating as well as other kinds of social networking. The app allows people to choose one other based on Facebook photos, reports NBC News.
Photographers advertise, boasting the ability to produce the perfect online dating profile picture for a fee. And alongside the photogenic face is the bio. For that, a skillful writer can garner upwards of $150 or more per each profile bio created or edited. Often many are employed by the major dating sites, like, in order to help the member showcase their best attributes.
Would you pay professionals to enhance your online dating profile?
[Image: Thomas Leuthard]