National Rifle Association Hides Facebook Page To Avoid Gun Control Discussion

NRA Facebook Page Down

The National Rifle Association on Sunday unpublished its Facebook Page, a likely result of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. The shutdown is believed to be temporary as much of the National spotlight turns towards discussions of gun bans following the senseless murdering of defenseless children.

You may recall that back in July the NRA took slack when it positive an insensitive tweet following the Aurora theater shooting.

The NRA is a right to bear arms group that adamantly attempts to protect the Constitution right to own guns.

While the NRA has not confirmed that it voluntarily shut down its page, Facebook officials have not confirmed a shutdown of their own, standard protocol if a page is temporarily suspended by the social network.

It is likely that the agency shut down its Facebook page in order to avoid a war of words on its Facebook page between gun supporters and gun control advocates.

With the page currently unpublished users can not view NRA pages, write on its wall or tag posts.

Should the NRA decide to bring its page back online it can simply unhide the page.

Users wishing to check up on the page can visit If the page redirects to the Facebook homepage the NRA is still hiding its page.



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