May the Best ‘Josh’ Win: Mock Fight in Nebraska for the Right to Use the Name ‘Josh’

It all started with a simple text message inviting all ‘Joshes’ for a pool noodle fight where the winner will get the right to use the name, exclusively. Known as the Josh Fight, a heated but fun, mock fight ensued in a US park where all the invited participants could vie for what they believe is the ‘Josh Supremacy’.

When it all started

It all started when a 22-year-old student from Arizona came up with this hilarious idea during the lockdown in 2020. But it reached unimaginable levels after a screenshot of a Facebook message when viral online. On April 24, 2020, several Facebook users with the name Josh were invited to meet at some coordinates exactly one year later. The message also indicated that they are to fight and the winner gets to keep the name. The rule: everyone else needs to change their name.

Impressively, the joke turned out to be a real event when more people with the name Josh chimed in to participate. The Arizona student behind this idea, named Josh Swain, said that he was slightly frustrated due to the number of people that shared his name. He said that it was originally a joke and he did not expect the joke to become viral.

What ensued in the ‘Josh Fight’

Days before the event, Josh Swain posted on Reddit to announce that participants must bring pool noodles as weapons for the event. The original coordinates, which were located in the central US, were private property. The owner, unfortunately, declined to participate. So, the event was moved to Air Park.

There were thousands of people in attendance where some people came from places as far as New York, Texas, and Washington. Some people were in superhero costumes, while others wore DIY body armor. The first game was a heated round of rock paper scissors for all people named Josh Swain. The second game was pool noodle fights for EVERYONE named Josh. Then, the last few games were pool noodle fights for all people in attendance.

Who gained the Josh Supremacy?

At the end of the event, a four-year-old, Joshua Vinson Jr, was named Josh Supreme. This little boy was coronated with a Burger King Crown. He was lifted into the air after he was declared the ‘ultimate Josh’. All the other Joshes were cheering around him.

Within two weeks after Josh Swain sent out his message, it has received 21 thousand retweets. The screenshot of the message became a meme. However, the event came to fruition after participants decided to use it as a fundraiser to benefit the Children’s Hospital & Medical Center Foundation in Omaha. The event also has led to food drives for the Food Bank of Lincoln.

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