Facebook revealed a redesigned News Feed back in March, and millions of users including yours truly have yet to see it 10 months later.
According to a new report from AllThingsD, the updated News Feed has hit a few snags, and by snags we mean potentially damaging effects to engagement.
Sources said that in the small rollout to a single-digit percentage of users, engagement with the new design has stalled. So much so, in fact, that the majority of users won’t receive this Facebook redesign we saw unveiled this year.
The inside sources say that Facebook is working on improving the “new” News Feed, and there is currently no time frame of when the changes will roll out.
When users finally do see something new, it will likely be a far less drastic change, incorporating only some of the modifications, and only those that worked better than others.
Meanwhile, Google+ managed to launch its new design back in May 2013 the same day it was announced.
However, while it is easy to criticize Facebook, one also has to look at it from the social network’s perspective.
Do you completely launch a redesigned News Feed that’s shown to stall engagement, or do you postpone, and make some more tweaks?
For the sake of its business users and advertisers, Facebook appears to be going with the latter.