If you were up at 5am this morning you may have had a chance to ask Lebron James a question.
The reigning MVP rolled up to his house at 5am this morning after a long road trip with the Miami Heat. James couldn’t sleep so he decided to hold an impromptu Q&A session on Twitter.
Finally back to Miami. Tough 2 game road trip. Time to regroup, get guys healthy and get back to winning ways #Heatles #StriveForGreatness
— LeBron James (@KingJames) January 11, 2014
Well since I’m up and for the ones that’s up as well. Q A for 15 mins. Go! — LeBron James (@KingJames) January 11, 2014
Five in the morning isn’t the most active time on Twitter but when you have more than 11 million followers you’re bound to find someone to talk to. James answered questions about the NFL Playoffs, his favorite sports team, and whether he is actually laughing when he types “LOL.”
LeBron Picks the Seattle Seahawks to beat the New Orleans Saints.
“@trigga_trey12: I’m curious, who you got winning tomorrow. Seattle or New Orleans ? @KingJames“(I’m taking Sea but hard to bet vs Brees) — LeBron James (@KingJames) January 11, 2014
Liverpool FC is his favorite team.
“@cada22: @KingJames wat professional team do u have the most love for? Other than the heat.”(@LFC) — LeBron James (@KingJames) January 11, 2014
Carmelo Anthony and Kevin Durrant are the toughest players to guard in the league.
“@TashawnTheDon: @KingJames toughest player to guard man to man ?”(@carmeloanthony @KDTrey5) — LeBron James (@KingJames) January 11, 2014
He does laugh when he types “lol.”
“@iCoCkY_eNvY_i: @KingJames Do you really laugh when yu type haha or lol!?”(Haha! I just did) — LeBron James (@KingJames) January 11, 2014
He’s a big fan of girls named Jennifer.
“@Orlach: @KingJames The best movie you have seen in the last month?”(Anything with the Jennifer’s in it. Lawrence or Aniston) — LeBron James (@KingJames) January 11, 2014
He would buy a unicorn but only if it could provide some sort of service. It seems like the King has some serious standards when it comes to mythical beasts.
“@schuylerlikesmx: @KingJames would you buy a Unicorn with the money you have?”(All depends on what all that unicorn can do! Lol)
— LeBron James (@KingJames) January 11, 2014
LeBron told his fans that he would answer questions for fifteen minutes but he ended up hanging out for more than an hour. The NBA superstar answered questions about money, fame and sports, but he also handed some parenting advice. When asked how to get a child to sleep, LeBron said that his performance in the 2011 Finals would do the trick.
“@thorpjoshua: @KingJames How do I get my baby to fall asleep?”(Put my performance in the 2011 Finals on! Night night immediately) — LeBron James (@KingJames) January 11, 2014
As a Chicago Bulls fan, LeBron also weighed in on the most important questions hanging over the sports world.
Is this the end of Derrick Rose?
“@Vuwop: @KingJames Do you think Derick Roses prime is over with after his recent injuries?”(Absolutely not)
— LeBron James (@KingJames) January 11, 2014