Jimmy Fallon’s hashtag conversation with bestie Justin Timberlake has gone viral.
On last nights broadcast of Late Night With Jimmy Fallon the two men showed what it would be like to have a hashtag conversation in real-life.
Timberlake appeared on the show for his regular #TimberlakeTuesday appearance so it was only fitting that the man with his own Fallon hashtag would join in the conversation.
Here’s a sample of the conversation:
Timberlake: Hey check it out, I brought you some cookies #Homemade #OatmealRaise #ShowMeTheCookie.
Fallon: Sweet #DontMindIfIDont “Pretty Good” #GettingMyCookieOn #ImTheRealCookieMonster #Mahmmahmmama (sp?)
Justin Timberlake: #Ididitallforthecookie #lolololololololol.
Check out the video above for Jimmy Fallon’s full hashtag conversation with Justin Timberlake.
In the meantime the video was only posted on September 24 and in less than 24 hours it has racked up more than 55,000 views.