How the Internet is Cancelling on Ted Cruz After Fleeing a State Emergency

Texas Senator, Ted Cruz, received heavy criticism after taking a vacation to Cancun with his family in the middle of a crisis. The latest power crisis in Texas left hundreds of homes without electricity and water for more than 48 hours in negative degree weather. This has left the lives of many Texas residents in danger as temperatures continued to decline. Not only was the senator criticized for having a lack of action regarding this power crisis, but he also disappointed many supporters with his decision to leave the State as if fleeing from all responsibility in the midst of an emergency.

Additional revelations from the trip made the situation even worse, and despicable for many Texas residents. People have since taken to the internet to #Cancel every bit of Ted Cruz. Here are some of them:

Well, water IS a heavy load too, though



Poor little Snowflake

Senator Snowflake at your service

Canceled classes = Vacation time!


Could we fire him?

A very unfortunate by-product indeed

The time of day when he loses his relevance

Ted Cruz can’t come to Cancun? Cancun goes to Ted Cruz!

Sheesh, what a plot twist!

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