GOP Claims Rosa Parks Helped End Racism, Twitter Disagrees

GOP Claims Rosa Parks Racism

The GOP’s claim that Rosa Parks helped end racism was met with criticism, sarcasm, and general disagreement on Twitter. The group attempted to backtrack from its original statement, but it appears that only made the statement worse.

The controversy began when the Republican National Convention posted a tweet for the 58th anniversary of Parks’ arrest for refusing to give up her seat on the bus to a white man.

While Rosa Parks’ stand was an important part of the movement to end racism, Twitter users agreed, understandably, that racism is far from over in the United States. So, they quickly responded to the GOP’s tweet.

It took a few hours, but it appears the people in charge of the GOP’s Twitter account realized their mistake and backtracked.

However, by that time it didn’t matter, since the original tweet claiming racism was over made the rounds in the media. As one user aptly responded:

While we can’t be sure, we’re guessing the GOP will vet every tweet for possible mistakes before it posts again … maybe.



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