Location based services app Foursquare goofed up this week when they accidentally gave the “I Love Windows Phone” badge to random users who performed check-ins on the service.
The mistake was realized when people started leaving tweets that included:
“Not sure how. I’m an Apple girl.”
“How did I do this with a Blackberry?.”
The badge was only suppose to be given to users who checked into approved Windows Phone events or who followed “WindowsPhone” on Foursquare, instead every checkin was counted.
Foursquare responded to the mistake with the following message:
“We just wanted to send you a quick note to apologize for mistakenly awarding you the ‘I Love Windows Phone’ badge earlier today. Who’s to say what you love, anyway? If you do love the phone, you can unlock the badge fair and square by following foursquare.com/windowsphone and attending one of their awesome events. Until then, we’ll keep it out of your trophy case – and stop meddling with the affairs of your heart.”
I’m not shocked by the mistake, but I love when people attached their gender to a produce “Apple Girl” for example, talk about forever tying yourself down to one company’s technological standards.