18-year-old Florida resident Sean Michael Rodriguez was arrested in Naples this week after he posted child pornography to photo sharing platform Instagram.
No the young man did not take selfies before he turned 18 and then post them to the social network. He literally posted illegal pictures of underage children to the social sharing platform.
Many Instagram users may not realize that secret groups can be setup which require administrator permission to access. Rodriguez uploaded the photos to one of those closed groups. While photos in those groups are closed down for non-group members, they are still accessed by Instagram for the purpose of finding illegal images.
After discovered the disturbing child pornography an employe at Instagram alerted the NCMEC and that agency then contacted local police officers.
Instagram notified the National Center for Missing Exploited Children (NCMEC) who in turn contacted police. Rodriguez is said not to have taken the pictures himself but the pictures are said to be extremely graphic.
For the 100th time, what you post on company owned social platform services is not 100% private. In this case, however, we are glad that the user didn’t realize that their sick fantasies were being monitored.