Facebook Testing A New Feature To Help Prevent People From Humiliating Themselves

Facebook has taken the initiative to launch a reminder campaign that hopes to alert users when they are about to post something possibly humiliating. Current users who have seen the reminder say that their settings were set to public when they had initially received the notification.

The notification politely informs the user that he or she is posting publicly and provides a list of options to choose from that will only allow selected people to view the information. Here are samples of how the notifications looks like.

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A Facebook PR representative stated that:

“We frequently test new ways to help ensure people are sharing with who they want to on Facebook.”

And although the campaign officially started a few weeks ago, it is still in the testing phase. This means that the feature could ultimately get canceled and we may never see it for ourselves. The Facebook PR rep also took note that there have been no changes to Facebook’s privacy policies or features with the exception of the new update that allows photo sharing to specific individuals.

Overall, the users of Facebook do not seem to mind too much about this new feature that could launch. We can see it as a simple reminder that when we’re posting something publicly, we do have the option to share to our friends only.

Kevin Park

Kevin is a seventeen year old high school senior currently living in Santa Clarita, California. He enjoys long distance cycling, playing the drums, and playing video games (PC based). He also has a passion for learning about technology, ranging from the newest flagship Samsung phone, to groundbreaking medical tools. He plans to attend college where he will major in aerospace engineering, and computer science/engineering. He is an avid supporter and fan of social media and loves the positive communicative effects that social networking brings to the world.


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