If you looking for what is the excretory system or what is excretory system function then you are in right place. You will find all your answers here.
Excretory system function
From the mouth to the rectum, the esophagus and its associated organs comprise the human digestive tract, whose main function is to feed. It is also called the digestive system or nutritional system.
Digestion or digestion or digestion of food is a physical process by which the food is first sliced into small pieces and then gradually dissolved by various enzymes to adapt to the body. The digestive system involved in the process of digestion is called digestion.
The digestion process can be divided into two groups according to the location:
Intracellular digestion: The primitive animals, such as the protozoa’s digestive tract, are fully intracellular. Examples are the digestive systems of paramecium.
Extracellular digestion: Early digestion occurs in the highly specialized digestive tract for food and pre-digestive digestion of advanced animals and mammals.
The stomach is called the esophagus or the esophagus. English: Gut, gastrointestinal tract (GIT), digestive tract, alimentary canal. The parts of the mammary gland, respectively:
Excretory system facts
In the biochemical process in which a complex food is broken down with the help of an enzyme, the organism’s metabolism is changed to a simple, soluble, and absorbent state, called maturation. By digestion, food breaks down into a small molecule of water and becomes soluble in water, and can be absorbed into the blood and plasma in liquid form. In some organisms, these tiny substances are absorbed into the bloodstream in the form of small molecules. Maturity is a breakdown mechanism that is often divided into two processes based on the distribution of food: mechanical and chemical maturation. Mechanical maturation is the conversion of larger food particles into smaller food particles that can later be accessed by digestive enzymes. Chemical maturation is the process of converting food into small molecules by enzymes and absorbing them into the body.
Digestive anatomy ় In the maturation process, food is the first access to the cells after being first converted to a simple soluble state. After all, the blood supplies the food to the various areas of the body. Some foods like water, mineral salts, vitamins, etc. can be absorbed directly into the body without any change after eating. Some carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids are not able to penetrate the cell. Therefore, the diet of carbohydrates (glucose) has to be converted to glucose, protein (amino) to an amino acid, and lipid or affection to fatty acid and glycerol. Dietary supplements provide energy to the body, form protoplasm, regulate various body functions by producing hormones and other specialized components and store them for future needs.
Excretory system organs
Digestion is defined as the digestion of which a complex chemical substance breaks down into a simple, soluble, and absorbable state for the metabolism of the organism with the help of various enzymes. The mechanism by which the maturation and absorption process is accomplished is called maturation or nutrition.
Which part of your body has more neurons than the spinal cord, and which part works independently of the central nervous system?
Perhaps “gut” wasn’t your first answer. But the truth is, our gut is connected to millions of neurons, which is why the gut is called the “second brain” of the human body.
The function of our maturation is not just to absorb food, but to be more than that.
The pathogens in our bodies can make our bodies sick.
Scientists are still researching whether our immune system and mental health depend on gut health.
What is the excretory system?
Let’s find out some wonderful facts about the bowels:
- The gut contains the independent nervous system:
Nutritionist Dr. Megan Rossi said, “Our intestines can function independently of all other organs in the body. They make their own decisions independently without any help from the brain.”
The physical process in which complex foods are absorbed or digested or broken down into small particles is called the maturation process. There are steps or parts related to the maturation, altogether the Digestive System.
Part of the Maturity –
The mouth and tongue of the mouth
- pharynx
- The esophagus
- The stomach
- The small intestine
- Vedanta
definition of the excretory system
Besides, salivary glands, liver, pancreas, gall bladder, and intestinal glands are also part of the maturation.
- Food intake
- Food maturation
- Dissolve various digestive juices
- Water, vitamins, mineral salts, and maturity
- Absorption of feces
- Unnecessary leftovers as feces
- Protects the balance of body water, glucose, acid-alkali
- Helps indirectly produce blood
Do you have brains If you say ‘one,’ then you are right? But your body has multiple nervous systems *. The structure of a nervous system is so large that some scientists call it the ‘second brain’. This is the enteric nervous system (ENS) and it is not in our head but mainly in our stomach.
For food to be transformed into energy, our body needs a lot of support and effort. And so, the brain is created in such a way that it entails most of the maturation control over to the ENS.
The intestinal nervous system is simpler than the brain, but its structure is more complex. In humans, it is composed of 20 to 100 million neurons. Scientists think that if the activity of ENS was controlled by the brain, the nerves needed to become more obese. According to the book Second Brain, “so it is safe on the one hand and very convenient on the other, that [maturity] takes care of itself.”
what does the excretory system do
“A chemical factory”
What is needed for the preparation of food is to produce various types of precise chemical compounds at the right time and then reach the right place. Professor Gary Moe aptly describes maturity as “a chemical factory.” The chemical work done in this factory is so advanced that it is inaccessible to us. For example, certain types of cells inside the stomach serve as chemical detectors or test receptors and determine the chemicals in the food we eat. This information helps the ENS to employ the right digestive enzymes, so that food can be broken down into food and the body can absorb it. Besides, the ENS plays an important role in determining the acidity and other chemical properties of the diets and modifying the maturing enzymes accordingly.
The way the food passes through the digestive tract is remarkable and is mainly controlled by the ENS. Your ‘second brain’ directs the muscles in the walls of the digestive tract to contract and thus move the food through the maturation. The ENS changes the rate and rate of contraction of these muscles when needed to continue the maturation process.
what is the function of the excretory system
Also, ENS oversees the security aspect. The food you eat may contain harmful bacteria. Not surprisingly, 5 to 5 percent of the lymphocyte cells in your body are in your stomach. Lymphocyte cells are a key component of your immune system. If excessive amounts of harmful substances enter your body through the diet, the ENS directs strong contractions to protect the body, leaving most toxins out of the body through vomiting or diarrhea.
Good communication
Although it seems that the ENS functions independently of the brain, these two neural centers are constantly in contact. For example, the ENS regulates the hormones that guide the brain as to when and how much you need to eat. When your stomach is full, the ENS neurons signal the brain, and even if you eat more, you may feel nauseous.
excretory system function
Before reading this article, you may have noticed that there is a connection between the digestive tract and your brain. For example, have you noticed how eating a certain kind of food improves your mood? Research shows that this happens only when the ENS sends a ‘happiness signal’ to your brain and a continuous reaction begins, so you feel better. It may help us to understand why people want to eat foods that are under stress, called comforts or satisfying foods. In the treatment of depression or depression, scientists are trying to find out if the ENS can be stimulated artificially.
There is another example of communication between the brain and the digestive tract. At times, we feel the tension in our stomachs. This may be due to the feeling that, when the brain experiences anxiety or stress, the ENS directs blood to flow from the stomach in the opposite direction. Again, under stress, the brain instructs the INS to change the normal contraction of the digestive tract, which can lead to nausea.
what is the excretory system
Although the ENS is called the ‘second brain’ of the body, it does not help you to think or tell you what you will decide. In other words, ENS is not your brain. It does not help you compose songs, do bank accounts, or do homework. Nevertheless, the complexity of this magnificent system has continued to amaze scientists, although they have not yet discovered much of it. So, when you sit down to eat, think of all the observation, continuous information, coordination, and communication that is going to happen in your maturation!