Kim Kardashian is an easy target. She’s frequently mocked by comedians, angry internet trolls, gossip magazines, and now, apparently, the EPA.
The EPA water office sent out a bizarre tweet earlier this week mocking Kim Kardashian and her new iPhone app.
The message read: “I’m now a C-list celebrity in Kim Kardashian: Hollywood. Come join me and become famous too by playing on iPhone!”
Why? Why would a government agency bother commenting on Kim Kardashian’s fame? This was probably a mistake by some intern. Regardless, the EPA apologized for mocking Kardashian on Twitter.
Whoops…our bad. Sorry about tweet. Upside – more attention for the Office of Water (, thanks @KimKardashian
— U.S. EPA Water (@EPAwater) July 22, 2014
Liz Purchia, a spokeswoman for the EPA, also sent a statement to USA Today.
Purchia said: “An EPA fellow inadvertently triggered an auto-generated tweet. She regrets the error and has been advised on the sensitivities of using social media.” An auto generated tweet? Does that mean that someone at the EPA is spending their day playing Kim Kardashian; Hollywood? Do they have the official EPA account linked to the mobile app?
I’m the last original author of the Clean Water Act, but I have no idea who/what a Kardashian is and I rarely play games. You OK, @EPAwater?
— John Dingell (@john_dingell) July 22, 2014
Staff has now informed me of what a Kardashian is. I’m only left with more questions.
— John Dingell (@john_dingell) July 22, 2014
Kim Kardashian: Hollywood was the top downloaded app on Tuesday. Some reports estimate that the game will make Kim about $80 million by the end of the year.