Did Morgan Freeman Tweet At ‘F*cktards’ Confusing Him With Nelson Mandela?

morgan freeman nelson mandela tweet

Over on Facebook, a “Morgan Freeman tweet” excoriating the “fucktards” confusing him with Nelson Mandela has been circulating — with many insulted that Freeman would use the “-tards” suffix and invoke the “r-word” so callously, particularly in the wake of the death of a man as important as Mandela.

The account, @FreemanVerified, tweeted a few days back:

“I’m still alive you stupid fucktards. Please stop confusing me with #NelsonMandela Thank you.”

Since the post was tweeted, we’ve seen it pop up on Facebook countless times, usually with an “LOL” appended. LOL, Morgan Freeman told those people to have a seat!

It seems there are like two unchangeable rules of social media: one is that if you create a privacy setting Facebook will ultimately render it meaningless, but more to the point, this second thing that people always forget.

Morgan Freeman didn’t say that. Whatever it is, Morgan Freeman didn’t say it. Morgan Freeman didn’t say that.

Morgan Freeman didn’t say he isn’t Nelson Mandela, “fucktards.” Morgan Freeman didn’t say that George Bush was the best president ever. Morgan Freeman didn’t say “titty sprinkles.”

Not even in this video, where it appears that Morgan Freeman is saying “titty sprinkles:

Just in the past three hours, this post involving the Morgan Freeman Nelson Mandela hoax has gone semi-viral, with 500 likes and more than 100 shares on this single Facebook post:


That’s far from the only one. But Morgan Freeman’s Nelson Mandela statement was indeed not made by Morgan Freeman, and the @FreemanVerified account has since been suspended. To which we can only say “titty sprinkles.”



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