Derek Duba Facebook Plea: Biological Parents Search Receives 63,000 Likes

Derek Duba - FB Parents Search

On Sunday February 12, 2013 Derek Duba’s wife Sara Duba posted a Facebook plea. Derek is hoping to find his biological parents and they asked Facebook users to help. Facebook fans immediately answered in a big way and just two days after the post went live Derek’s photo plea had already received 63,000+ shares.

In the post Derek is holding up a sign (pictured below) that reads:

“My name is Derek Duba. I was born on July 19th, 1983 at 9:52PM in Waukegan, Illinois at Victory Memorial Hospital. I was adopted at 6 days old by Craig and Deborah Duba. I’m looking for my birth parents. Please LIKE and SHARE this picture!


The campaign has been so successful that Derek and his family started a Facebook fan page to update followers of his journey. The Facebook page can be found at

On the official Derek Dupa parents page a new update reads:

“So, his adoptive parents just decided to send us a wealth of information. For now, that is the only updating we’ll do. We’ll be sure to keep everyone posted at the time goes on. Like many of you said, he’s totally prepared to NOT have a warm reception, and pretty much expects is, but he is curious to know either way. Thank you for your ongoing support!”

Derek Duba - FB Parents Search

Head over to Derek Dupa’s page and like his post to join in the search for his biological parents.

“Adoption on Facebook” is currently a Google trending term and apparent adoptions via the social network are only matched by adults who are attempting to find their adoptive parents.



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  1. Is Derek a member of ALMA? We would be happy to assist him. Does he have the laws pertaining to his rights for the state of IL? What agency did the adoption go thru? Does he have non-identifying information and a birth name. The ALMA Society.

  2. As the adoptive parents of this young man, and estranged from him as a result of a wife who does not like us, you can rest assured that this entire campaign was designed by his wife to cause yet more trouble. We always told our son we would be happy to get any information we had to him, and reminded him again after his children were born…he told us he didn't need it and would let us know. This story on FB was a total shock to us as we were never even given a heads up about it…very hurtful, in addition they used our names without permission…as you are doing here. We respectfully ask that you remove the picture with our names on it. Thank you!