The officials behind the secret plan to destabilize Cuba with a social media site are being called to Congress.
The United States Agency For International Development (USAID) secretly created a “twitter-like” program called ZunZuneo with the hopes that it would destabilize the communist country. Shortly after the program was revealed by an investigation by the AP, officials defended the program, saying that it was debated in Congress and therefore didn’t need Presidential approval. ZunZuneo was created using shell offshore companies that only existed on paper.
Two prominent Democrats, who sit on the Congressional Intelligence Committee and Judiciary Committee say they were never informed of the program, so they are calling in the top official at the USAID, Rajiv Shah to ask him some questions about the program.
ZunZuneo is now defunct, as a social media site created by such forward thinking visionaries like government bureaucrats shockingly failed to take off. The users that did sign up for it, 40,000 at its peak, likely didn’t know it was created by a foreign government with the intention of overthrowing their domestic government.
The USAID was also playing the long game, gathering information on the users, possibly for future political use later.
Senator Patrick Leahy, a Democrat from Vermont and Representative C.A.Ruppersberger of Maryland are calling Rajiv Shah in to explain the program, because despite being some of the highest ranking elected officials in their respective houses, neither of them had heard about it before.
ZunZuneo ran from 2009 until 2012.