There is no such thing as true love. Courtney Stodden and Dough Hutchison are reportedly getting divorced after three years of marriage.
The two love birds haven’t formerly announced their separation but Twitter is already taking the news pretty hard.
Well this is shocking: Courtney Stodden is ending her three-year marriage to her 52-year-old husband Doug Hutchison.
— Mentality Magazine (@MentalityMag) November 1, 2013
So what happened? How could this match made in (some weird version) of heaven come to an end?
Courtney Stodden got emancipated from the old guy who raised her — lawblob (@lawblob) November 2, 2013
In addition to being funny, that statement’s also kind of accurate. Stodden was just 16 when she married Hutchison and the reality star recently said that her growing independence was causing a rift in her relationship. But getting divorced is only part of the problem here. The only reason that Stodden is famous is because she got married to a 51-year-old man when she was just 16. So what is she going to do now?
I hope Courtney Stodden gets an internship somewhere — Carey O’Donnell (@ecareyo) November 2, 2013
Stodden has landed a spot on Big Brother and maybe she can turn that into her own reality show.
I’d watch a show called “You’re Kind Of a Celebrity, Get the Hell Out of Here” where Courtney Stodden gets kicked out of Applebees each week — Joe Berkowitz (@JoeBerkowitz) November 2, 2013
Stodden does have a blossoming music career. OK, so it’s not blossoming. But it does exist. She also has some huge plastic boobs that may land her some future acting gigs.
That new LEGO Movie looks awesome, though I’m surprised Courtney Stodden wasn’t cast as the yellow brick. — Liana Maeby (@lianamaeby) October 31, 2013
But maybe the internet is being a little too hard on Stodden. It’s never funny when two people fall out of love and the crew here at SND hopes that she lands on her feet. And hey, she’s only been single for a few hours and she’s already seeing new suitors line up.
.@courtneystodden Hey, what are you doing later? Want to watch THE BICYCLE THIEF? I have pringles.
— The Night Stalker (@kolchak) November 2, 2013
Give that guy a chance, Courtney. He has Pringles.