Many people depend on insurance coverage to get financial stability in times of need. And, do you know claim rejections can occur for both term life and health insurance plans, putting policyholders in a tough situation? Hence, it is very disheartening when you face claim rejections for reasons that could have been avoided. It is seen in many of the cases that the claim rejections usually happens when there is a lack of understanding of the coverage. Understanding those mistakes will help you avoid them and ensure that your claims don’t get rejected due to silly reasons. In this article, we will understand the common reasons why term life insurance and health insurance claims get denied and how to avoid them.
Understanding Why Claims Are Rejected
One must know, life and health insurance plans require a contract between the insured and the insurance company. The insurer agrees to give financial benefits under specific conditions. However, if the policyholder fails to meet these conditions or provides false information, the insurance company may deny the claim.
Common Reasons for Term Insurance Claim Rejection
Concealing Pre-Existing Condition: When applying for term insurance coverage, you must accurately declare all pre-existing medical issues. Withholding such information can result in claim rejection. Before deciding the premium that will be charged, life insurance companies evaluate risk based on your health history, and failing to disclose pre-existing diseases can affect your profile.
Delay in Premium Payment: Regular premium payments are required to keep your term insurance plans valid. As we all know, an expired policy will provide no benefits. Most term insurance plans include a grace period (typically 15-30 days) and if you pay beyond the due date, the policy will lapse, and any claims received during the lapse period will be rejected.
Withholding information about existing policies: Not revealing current or previous insurance coverage might result in claim denial, as this information is important for the insurance company to do their risk assessment. Insurance companies calculate your premium based on your total risk profile. If you do not disclose all of your existing insurance policies, you may be misrepresenting your risk profile, which could result in claim rejection.
Undisclosed Lifestyle Habits: When assessing risk, term insurance firms take into account lifestyle characteristics such as smoking, drinking, and specific hobbies. Failure to report these habits can result in claim denial. These habits, like pre-existing conditions, can have an impact on your life expectancy, and the insurer may argue that if they were aware of them, they would have charged a higher premium or perhaps rejected coverage entirely.
Lack of Updated Nominee Information: Outdated nominee information can cause delays and issues in claim settlements, potentially resulting in rejection. The nominee is the individual authorized to receive the death benefit payout if the policyholder dies. If the nominee information is out of date (for example, a deceased nominee), the insurance company may request further evidence or legal processes to establish the correct beneficiary, delaying or the claim.
How To Avoid Term Insurance Claim Rejection
Disclose Any Medical Conditions: When applying for term insurance plans, be open and honest about your medical history. When in doubt, choose disclosure. It is preferable to declare a condition and possibly pay a higher premium than to risk claim denial when you need the money the most.
Enable Auto-Pay for Premiums: Automatic premium payments help to ensure timely payments as to avoid policy lapses. Setting up auto-pay eliminates the risk of forgetting to pay the premium and jeopardizing your coverage.
Be Honest About Your Lifestyle: To avoid discrepancies, disclose your lifestyle patterns accurately. Be open about your smoking habits, alcohol intake, and other high-risk hobbies you enjoy.
Regularly update nominee details: Maintain accurate nominee information to facilitate a smooth claim settlement procedure. Regularly examine your policy documents and update the nominee information if anything changes (e.g., marriage, childbirth).
Top Reasons for Health Insurance Claim Rejection
Incorrect information on the application: Errors on the health insurance application form can result in claim denial.
Pre-Existing Conditions and Waiting Periods: If you are seeking treatment for a pre-existing condition before the specified waiting period expires, your claim will most likely be denied.
Making a Cashless Claim at a Non-Network Hospital: Using a hospital outside of the insurance company’s network may result in rejection.
Non-Covered Services: Certain services may not be covered by your health insurance plans. Understand your policy’s exclusions to avoid claim rejection.
Claim when the policy is lapsed: A health insurance policy that has lapsed owing to nonpayment of premiums will not cover any claims made during the lapse period.
Claim Amount Exceeds Sum Insured: If the claim amount exceeds the remaining sum insured, the insurance company will only approve the claim up to that limit.
Delay in Informing the Insurance Company: Failure to notify the insurance company of hospitalization within the specified time frame can result in the denial of a cashless claim.
How to Avoid Health Insurance Claim Rejections
Fill out the application on your own: You can ensure accurate information by filling out the application form yourself.
Disclose Pre-Existing Conditions: Be open about any pre-existing medical conditions.
Understand the Network Hospitals: For cashless claims, select a hospital from the insurance company’s network.
Review Your Policy Coverage: Understand your health insurance plans inclusions and exclusions.
Pay premiums on time: Make timely premium payments to keep your policy active.
Renew your policy: Renew your health insurance plans before it expires to avoid a lapse in coverage.
Inform the insurance company Promptly: In the event of hospitalization, notify the insurance company within the required timeframe, especially for cashless claims.
Understanding these reasons for claim denial and taking the advised measures can considerably improve your chances of a smooth claim settlement procedure for both term life and health insurance
So we are saying,
Understanding why claims are rejected and how to avoid them for both term insurance plans and health insurance is critical when navigating the insurance market. Being proactive, organized, and upfront with your insurance will dramatically improve your chances of filing a successful claim. Remember that insurance companies exist to provide financial assistance during difficult times, but they operate within certain restrictions. Familiarise yourself with your policy details, keep open communication, and don’t be afraid to ask questions if anything isn’t obvious.