Bieber’s Mom Next Bachelorette? Pattie Mallette Tweets Reality Show Dreams

justin bieber

Did you miss last night’s episode of The Bachelor? If you follow Justin Bieber’s mom Pattie Mallette on Twitter you really didn’t have to. Mallette, who is a huge fan of the ABC show, live-tweeted the episode last night. She even hinted at her aspirations to be the next Bachelorette.

Bieber’s mom didn’t come out and say that she wanted to be the next Bachelorette but the single mother definitely loves the show. She’s also the son of a one of the most photographed celebrities in the world and would probably draw in a huge audience for ABC. Especially if the Biebs decided to make a guest appearance.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like Bieber’s mom is destined for The Bachelorette. After receiving multiple inquiries about her reality show aspirations, Mallette tweeted that she wasn’t interested in finding true love in font of the camera.



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