Best Social Media Writing Tips for Higher Education

Writing for social media might prove to be harder than you’ve imagined it to be. Especially if your sphere of work resides into higher education. In such instances there are subtle nuances and various guidelines that you need to follow.

So, when you are writing on social media for an institution in the higher education, you may find that you don’t actually know all the know-hows of the industry. That is totally okay, though. There is no way you can be knowledgeable of all things there are to learn. Exactly this is the reasoning behind today’ article – to open the door and let you in the area of expertise you haven’t met before.

Writing Content for social media for Higher Education

There is a lot of planning behind the action of writing content for higher education social media. Sure, you might think that colleges and universities have it all figured out when it comes to such media. Yes, but actually no. There are plenty of challenges when it comes to writing social media content for institutions of higher education. So, stay tuned to learn the deep, dark secrets of the industry (just kidding, they aren’t dark at all).

Guidelines – the First Step for Social Media Marketing for Universities

Writing on social media for higher education will require you to have a guideline. Sure, social media aren’t just going wherever you want them to. They are unpredictable and you cannot know how the viewers will react. But you can still take some steps towards protecting the brand you are trying to promote – in this case, the university.

Have set guidelines for all social marketing experts that are involved in managing the content that goes on the social media. This includes guidelines for the papers writers on sports topic, on such related to alumni, etc.


It’s not easy at all to do social writing for colleges and universities. Higher education social media management is quite a complex field to work in. So, organization is a must. Have some general schedule that includes the responsibilities of all involved. Let them know who’s going to give them material, where are they to post it, how to share and store material, etc. Use various online tools to help yourself with this process.

Use Groups

Facebook constantly changes its algorithms. Yet, it doesn’t get too involved with the groups. So, have a social media group – aka. Facebook group – of the institution you are writing for. Whatever you put there will stay there and everyone in the group will be able to see it.

On the other hand, when writing for Instagram or Tweeter, use hashtags. On LinkedIn you can use groups, too.

Know Your Audience

There’d be lots of demographics you are targeting. Various age groups use different social media platforms. So, know where to post to reach a particular target group. Yet, don’t forget that those are just rules of thumb and not certainties.

You can rely on analytics to get to know your audience better. They’d show you where do the viewers go (which platform) and what they mostly do there. This can be used to target your content much better.

Use Stories

As it is with college paper writing sites, so is here. Good content is a must when you are managing social media for higher institution. When it comes to the current advancement of social media, though, this can be achieved through the stories option, too. They can be utilized to share news, talk about what’s currently happening, tell the audience about particular changes or, even better, achievements. Use captions, use filters, play around and find new and creative ways to engage the viewers with those great stories options that are out there.

Make it Easy to Get in Touch

Try to implement easy ways for your audience to get in touch with you and share stories with you. This way students, faculty, alumni, staff, and others can tell you interesting stories, share some content, and give you material to write about. Be open to receive such information and feedback.

Show Users What Life in The Institution is Like

When you are targeting people who are likely to study in the higher education institution you are writing about, you’d do much better if you actually show them what life there is like. Post pictures of sunsets over the university, of people gathering around at the college. Congratulate members when they receive an award or make a breakthrough. Share stories of students’ success. Make it feel like a community. That way you are creating awareness and promoting the feeling of being at home with this institution, being familiar and close to it, being more prone to at least pay it a visit and check it out.


If you are looking for a cheap essay writing service, you’d reach out to a well-credited website that offers such. If you are browsing for a university, you’d go to the Internet, probably to social media to check those colleges and universities out. So, when you are trying to promote your institution through digital marketing, you’d want to include as much social media presence as would fit your goals the most. So, writing for social media for higher institutions is a growing field that certainly deserves our honest respect.

Thus, in today’s article we tried to show you some of the know-how of writing for this industry. There are certain caveats and twists when crafting material for social media for colleges and universities. Here you’d need a close connection to your target audience and you’d have to pay a close look to your analytics. Make sure you’ve made it easy for people to reach out to you. Also, ensure you have set up guidelines and are following a work-flow. All of those elements are going to allow you to manage social media much easier. They are also going to prove to be of benefit when you are designing content and, of course, uploading it to reach the widest audience it can.


Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo is a seasoned professional with a strong background in growth strategies and editorial responsibilities. Kokou has been instrumental in driving companies' expansion and fortifying their market presence. His academic credentials underscore his expertise; having studied Communication at the Università degli Studi di Siena (Italy), he later honed his skills in growth hacking at the Growth Tribe Academy (Amsterdam).


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