Are you looking for a new job? Tired of heading to the office for long hours? Undoubtedly, commuting is a pain you’d like to forget. If so, product testing will change your life. But do you know everything this career entails? Let’s talk about that and how to get the ball rolling.
Home Product Testing in a Nutshell
The current state of the economy is forcing large swaths of people to seek alternative income sources. One popular option is home product testing. Aside from being accessible to anyone regardless of educational qualifications, this gig promises flexibility and enjoyment.
But what does someone in this role do exactly? To give you a broad idea, they test products and services for companies. They’ll prepare a concise review that will help firms ensure quality. Among the products a tester will appraise include:
- Toys and games
- Cooking appliances and tools
- Electronics
- Household products
- Food and drinks
Usually, testers will receive the products for testing before a company releases them to the public. They’ll have to use the items and complete a review in a fixed period. Once the testing process is over, the testers may keep the products or receive payment for their effort.
How to Launch Your Product Testing Career
To become a home product tester, you’ll need to follow a few steps. However, the process isn’t a complicated one.
- Determine Your Interests
You won’t be the perfect candidate to test all types of products. Therefore, you have to find your niche. Figure out what strikes your fancy. For example, if you’re a stay-at-home mom, you are the perfect person to review baby formula, strollers, or high chairs. Moreover, if you focus on products of interest, you’ll enjoy your job more.
- Register for Product Testing Platforms
Examples of product testing sites include, Influenster, BzzAgent, Social Nature, Brooks Running, and Smiley 360. Many of them focus on specific niches, so you should determine if they fit your interests. Additionally, ensure their terms and policies are fair and meet your expectations.
- Answer the Profiling Questions
To place the most suitable testers on products, companies will impose a set of questions for profiling purposes. It helps businesses identify people who fit the mold of targeted customers. For instance, a sports shoe brand would prefer those who exercise at least once a week.
- Understand Test Requirements
A mistake many novices make is not reading instructions properly. Once you receive notification of an available test, ensure you understand everything you need to do. Tests usually have strict due dates. You may also need to include particular details in your review.
- Test and Submit a Review
Test the product according to the instructions provided. While you’re at it, write clear notes to make the review process a breeze. Some companies may need you to write down your experience in detail, while others get you to fill out a questionnaire.
Is This the Right Gig for You?
Many product testers choose this career because of its flexibility. They get to work at home and more or less when they want to. It’s a rewarding job. Testers receive money for their reviews and, in some cases, keep the products. However, not everyone can shine in this field. To do that, brush up on these skills:
- Writing: In product testing, you want to get your point across. That takes excellent vocabulary and grammar skills. You need to know how to write your review so that a company can actually use it to improve its products.
- Managing Your Time: People who opt to be product testers usually handle many other duties. They may have to drop their kids off at school and shop for groceries. Therefore, they need to organize their time such that they meet their deadlines. Testing products takes time, so allocate it well.
- Expressing Your Opinion: To excel in this gig, you’ll need to say what you feel without fear of repercussion. At the same time, you must be eloquent. That may not be a natural skill of yours. If that’s the case, make an effort to build on that. Expressing valuable opinions is an important life skill.
What Does a Successful Product Tester Look Like?
Are you ready to follow in the footsteps of thriving product testers? It isn’t difficult. The most important factor is doing things professionally. That means using an email address that doesn’t appear to belong to a teenager.
Moreover, don’t put your eggs in one basket. As a tester, you’ll want to affiliate with several product testing companies so that you gain as many opportunities as possible. The more reviews you complete, the more you’ll earn. A successful product tester is honest in all its dealings. They don’t provide falsified information or opinions.
Home Product Testing: Your Opinion Counts
If you have strong opinions about the appliances and tools you use daily, why shouldn’t you earn cash for your valuable feedback ? You’ll be doing the public a service; people can expect better products in their midst thanks to your views and ideas!