7 Ways to Use Technology for Alcohol Addiction Recovery

Man Pouring Beer into Glass

Addiction is a disease that affects millions of people every year. Recovering from addiction requires more than just willpower and a positive attitude. It requires science-based treatment plans and healthy lifestyle changes. Fortunately, there are many ways to use technology when recovering from alcohol or drug abuse. These tools can help you stay sober and achieve your goals in recovery and are best used alongside professional counseling and rehab programs. Here are some ways to leverage technology for alcohol addiction and recovery.

Locate Rehab and Recovery Professionals in Your Area

If you’re looking for a rehab center, the first step is to locate one in your area. You can find out more info about what makes a recovery center effective at Next Level Recovery. Rehab facilities offer numerous treatment options and amenities that can make for a powerful start to breaking the cycle of addiction. You can use technology to research your options and find a place near or far that meets your needs.

Use Tracking Apps to Monitor Your Moods and Habits

Using tracking apps, you can monitor your moods and habits. If you’re struggling with addiction, it is important to keep track of the things that create negative emotional responses. This will help you learn your triggers and ways to manage or avoid them when possible.

Use an App to Track How Many Days You’ve Been Sober

Tracking the number of days you’ve been sober is a great way to stay motivated and keep yourself accountable. There are numerous apps designed to help you track your progress. It might feel like you just gave up drinking or drugs, but when you look at the days, it could be far more than you realize. Using these phone apps can be a positive motivator and help you succeed long term.

Join Online Groups and Forums for Support

Sometimes it’s hard, especially in early recovery, to want to share your story. Going to online groups and meetings can help alleviate some of the fear you have around sharing your experience with drug or alcohol addiction. There are different types of communities, but they all help you connect and share experiences with one another. Plus, when you are out of town or it’s hard to get to an in-person meeting, these online meetings and forums can be a great help when you’re having a tough time.

Avoid Social Media Sites When You Feel Vulnerable

Social media sites can be addictive, and they can also make you feel worse. Many people find that they are drawn to social media when they are feeling vulnerable or depressed. While it’s normal to want to connect with others, you’d be better off texting or calling a friend instead of getting trapped in the mindless scroll on Instagram. What matters is finding healthy connections that can support your life in recovery.

Find Blogs and Resources With Positive Stories

Fill your mind with good and positive things. You can use technology to find blogs and resources that share success stories from people who have been where you are. Listening to inspirational podcasts can also be appealing. You want to learn to set and achieve goals, how to have a healthy outlook on life, and how to navigate difficult emotions and situations. Finding resources online can help lift your spirits when you are feeling down and recovery gets tough. The Internet is full of stories from people who have recovered from addiction themselves.

Try a Fitness App or Watch to Monitor Your Health

One of the most effective ways to use technology in your recovery is by tracking your progress. If you’re using an app or watch, you can keep tabs on how many steps per day you take and how many calories are burned. They also provide reminders and encouragement on your recovery journey. Creating healthy habits helps you to stay in recovery because you will feel better, get more rest, and have more energy when you need it the most.

Connect With Local Meetups and Groups

Creating a new circle of friends who don’t drink or do drugs can be hard and scary. Start by connecting with local meetups and groups over a common interest or hobby. You’ll find that you can make connections and friendships with a new group of people more easily when you do this.


Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo is a seasoned professional with a strong background in growth strategies and editorial responsibilities. Kokou has been instrumental in driving companies' expansion and fortifying their market presence. His academic credentials underscore his expertise; having studied Communication at the Università degli Studi di Siena (Italy), he later honed his skills in growth hacking at the Growth Tribe Academy (Amsterdam).


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