License plate recognition helps to boost your on-site security measures. Centralized management of your security systems can drastically improve employee and consumer safety, and ALPR is part of the process.
Modern security tech is improving far beyond what the oldest among us ever thought possible. Not only are businesses applying that technology to their office blocks, building sites, and financial institutions, they are even applying the same level of scrutiny to their online information and files. Automatic license plate recognition is a modern security tech that can help businesses manage the comings and goings on their premises. However, there are many more benefits than that.
The 5 Benefits of Using Genetec Autovu CloudRunner Automatic License Plate Recognition Software
Genetec specialize in providing seamlessly integrated and unified security platforms for the security industry. One of their specialties is license plate recognition software, which makes it far easier for companies to monitor onsite security in their carparks or buildings. There are other benefits to this.
1 – Identifies Suspicious Activity
The main reason to install the Autovu CloudRunner ALPR security system is so that you can identify any vehicles which should not be where they are. This might mean that you monitor a bus lane to catch those vehicles who use it illegally. It will give your company an added layer of security, which will help you identify suspects who potentially do damage to your business out of hours.
2 – Deters Criminals
If you placed a sign in your carpark to warn people that you use automatic license plate recognition software, they would choose to illegally park elsewhere. This software could monitor the areas outside of schools where it is vital that nobody parks in case children run out between the cars. It can even force those who enter your pay-to-park carpark to pay their bill before they leave.
3 – You Can Integrate Autovu Automatic License Plate Recognition
Integrating your individual security systems is easier when your tech is compatible. Autovu can operate through existing Genetec online security platforms, connecting it to your video surveillance portals and any other security technology you have in place. Not only will the data collected help you investigate incidents within your corporation – or within your duties as a police officer – but the Autovu system engages security protocols of its own to protect that data. In a world where data breaches and cyber-attacks can cost business millions, taking extra care of data is vital to smooth company operations.
4 – ANPR Saves Time
Do you work in the security industry? Do you regularly spend hours of your time reviewing footage to find culprits? ANPR can cut that time in half. It allows for cloud-based security management, meaning that you can access it at any time, from any place with an internet connection. It can also give you feedback on what it monitors, allowing for less time behind the desk, replaying footage.
5 – LPR is Scalable
Not all ALPR systems are as fully scalable as the Autovu system. Scalability allows for technical products which grow alongside your business. As larger companies upgrade systems, they often ditch old programs that no longer serve them. Since Autovu is so scalable, it’s the only product of its type which you need to buy. It will grow with you.
The Multiple Applications of Automatic License Plate Software
This type of security driven technology comes with multiple applications, from car park supervision to helping to solve serious crimes. Protect your business by building an integrated security platform that starts with LPR.