A frightening study came out of Brazil that showed that 65.1 percent of respondents (not just men) felt that Women who dressed provocatively were at least partially responsible if attacked and raped. In response, a Brazilian journalist , Nana Queiroz, has launched a campaign on Tumblr and Twitter with the hashtag EuNãoMereçoSerEstruprada which translate to #Idontdeservetoberaped.
Over 32,000 people, mostly Brazilian women but some men as well, have joined the campaign by posting pictures of themselves, oftentimes nude, oftentimes not, with the hashtag somehow involved, usually by covering up or being placed next to the parts of a woman’s body that mens eyes tend to be drawn to first.
It isn’t required that women dress provocatively for the campaign, but Queiroz kicked off the campaign with her own topless photo and most of the other women have followed suit (or lack of a suit). The point is, if you aren’t getting it, is that women should be able to dress how they want without fear of being raped. It is a double standard in our society as well. No one tells men they can’t go topless or wear tight clothing or they risk being sexually assaulted, yet it is a perception that exists for women.
The first step to changing long held perceptions is getting people to acknowledge to themselves that they have these perceptions and then encourage them to think about it. The #EuNãoMereçoSerEstruprada campaign seems to be very effective at bringing attention to the subject.
[Photo Credit: EuNãoMereçoSerEstruprada]