3-Column Twitter Profile Dimensions: How To Setup Header And Profile Pics

3-Column Twitter Setup for Header and Pic

Have you just logged into your Twitter account, only to find out that a new 3-column Twitter profile has debuted? You might notice that your profile pic is a little bit fuzzy and that you are now being urged to upload a header image.

Fear not Twitter users, we are here to provide you with some quick and useful guidance.

To begin the process:

1. Navigate (while logged in) to your Twitter profile. In my case: https://twitter.com/JamesKosur.

2. Click “Edit Profile”

Your screen should now look like this:

Simply drag and drop your new header and profile pic into place and adjust their “zoom in / zoom out” feature.

New Twitter Profile Header Size

First, let’s start with the new Twitter header image. For best results your image should be either 1252px width x 626px height OR 1500px width × 500px height.

After a good degree of testing I highly suggest the 1500 x 500px option.

New Twitter Profile Pic Size

If your old profile avatar looks pixel heavy, you probably need to upload a new pic. The new size suggested by Twitter is 400px x 400px.

I personally love the new 3-column Twitter design because it places more emphasis on personal and brand optimization right at the top of the page. I have long been annoyed by smaller screens which tend to hide Twitter’s traditional “sidebar” friendly images.



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