The Top 100 celebrities to follow on Twitter are a varied group of actors, actresses, sports figures and musicians.
In the continuation of our top 100 celebrities to follow on Twitter list we examine Jessica Alba, Carly Rae Jepsen, Stephen Colbert and other celebrities sure to generate discussion and oftentimes controversy.
71.) Jessica Alba – Actress – Why you should follow them: She posts family photos.
This is what happens when I haven’t been home in 8 days #baking #Sunday… — Jessica Alba (@jessicaalba) January 7, 2013
72.) Carly Rae Jepsen – Singer – Why you should follow them: She’ll tweet you back… maybe.
A pic from the LA photo shoot. I <3 city rooftops! — Carly Rae Jepsen (@carlyraejepsen) January 17, 2013
73.) Jason Mraz – Singer – Why you should follow them: He found happiness in San Diego
Happiness cannot be traveled to. Happiness is the experience of living each minute w gratitude. #LovefromSan — Jason Mraz (@jason_mraz) January 15, 2013
74.) Stephen Colbert – Comedian – Why you should follow them: Because he’ll be president one day.
“Da Vinci Code” author Dan Brown has a new novel coming out in May. You can read an advance copy by reading his last novel. — Stephen Colbert (@StephenAtHome) January 17, 2013
75.) Leonardo DiCaprio – Actor – Why you should follow them: Because he’s saving the world one tweet at a time.
Need more evidence of #climate change? Check out @chasingice – . Incredible, breathtaking documentary — Leonardo DiCaprio (@LeoDiCaprio) November 29, 2012
76.) Lenny Kravtiz – Singer / Actor – Why you should follow them: Because he’s making music again.
“Looking Back On Love” will be available exclusively on iTunes January 29, 2013! Check out the trailer here: -TeamLK — Lenny Kravitz (@LennyKravitz) January 17, 2013
77.) Nick Cannon – Actor – Why you should follow them: Because he has a family blog.
Check out some new pics from the Australia trip on our family blog — Nick Cannon (@NickCannon) January 12, 2013
78.) Ricky Gervais – Comedian – Why you should follow them: Because he knows Karl Pilkington
“I find that if you just talk, your mouth comes up with stuff.” Karl Pilkington — Ricky Gervais (@rickygervais) January 16, 2013
79.) The Rock – Actor – Why you should follow them: Because he can make getting milk look dangerous.
The most dangerous Super Bowl commercial of all time. GOT MILK? #SuperBowlGetsROCKED.… — Dwayne Johnson (@TheRock) January 16, 2013
80.) Sarah Silverman – Comedian – Why you should follow them: She drops truth bombs.
If you have terrible luck with roommates, YOU’REthe terrible roommate — Sarah Silverman (@SarahKSilverman) January 11, 2013
Continue Reading for our full list of the Top 100 Celebrities on Twitter:
[1-10], [11-20], [21-30], [31-40], [41-50], [51-60], [61-70], [71-80], [81-90], [91-100]