Have you seen Sir Fedora, alternately called the “1 like kid” over on Reddit — where he’s amassed a begrudging following of Redditors for obvious reasons?
Today, a thread was posted titled “The “1 like kid” update after 45 FOLLOWERS! If everyone could spread as much happiness… ,” and ensuing comments debated the legitimacy of what appears to be a child incredibly excited about getting his first few social media “friends” after venturing into the world of YouTube and its volatile comments section.
After all, the kid is named “Sir Fedora,” and if that isn’t a sticky shibboleth for Reddit, what is? But if the kid isn’t for real (which we suspect isn’t the case), he’s a freaking good actor.
And in short, this kid verbalizes the excitement we all still feel when people like us on the internet. He hasn’t yet suppressed the urge to appear unmoved, and he quite honestly tells us how very, very thrilling it is to get a follower on social sites. Sir Fedora is social media, without the positioning. He’s the raw, unfettered joy of connecting with fellow humans, without the fear of being cool enough.
So basically, he’s honest us. We love this kid!
Here he is after his clips went viral on Reddit, earlier today:
Update — this happened!
@SirFedora We dig the cut of your jib. What’s your hat size, sir?
— The Fedora Store (@TheFedoraStore) February 5, 2014
One fan commented:
“Your videos inspire me, Man. Yes, Man. It takes courage just to jump out there and be yourself on the internet. You are a man. You have my respect sir, and you have inspired us all. Your videos are Euphoric and reflect intelligent intelligence. You’re doing God’s work son.”
Above, watch the first excited clip from Sir Fedora and go on and give him a like if you’re so inspired. We’ll let you know if he gets a Facebook fan page.